Sunday, March 18, 2007


Okay Kiddies, if you don't get the joke from my title, then you don't go to church. YOU SINNER!! :*)

Anyway, I have not been writing as much as I promised myself I would. I don't have writer's block or anything of the sort. As a matter-of-fact, I have ideas almost daily. I know where I want my stories to go, but when I'm stressed (mostly from my job), I just cannot focus the way I should.

Usually I don't allow stress to thwart my writing, but as of late, I have let stress get the better of me. It only lasted a few days though; my muse would not allow me to rest. She grabs a hold of my imagination and won't let go. It does not matter if I'm at work, in the grocery store, asleep, etc. She is always there to ensure that I write no matter what. And I thank her for her tenaciousness!

I just finished the outline for the second book in my dark urban fantasy series. I am going to write a short story first, while I continue to research historical data for my novel.
How do you deal with stress? Does it ever affect your writing?


Anonymous said...

Stress is a bad word. Don't ever let others steal your joy. Just look at them and picture them naked and I promise that will keep you laughing for a while!!! I am so proud of you and I know God has something great in store for "my baby."

Gwyneth Bolton said...

Stress does halt my writing. It's hard to write when you're stressed out and worried about stuff. That's where that saying "don't sweat the small stuff" comes in handy. The only problem with that is that everything seems huge when you're stressing over it. LOL. Learning how to tunnel through and write no matter what is going on is a trait I'd love to acquire...


Tyhitia Green said...

Mind constipation! I love it! :*)

Aww shucks! :*)

That's something I wish I could acquire as well! :*)

Tempest Knight said...

I understand well what you're going through. Things have been so hectic in my job, the stress level has increased to ridiculous levels. So when I get home, I'm too tired, both mentally and physically, and I can't get myself to write anymore.

How do I deal with stress? Hm... Does putting pins in a voodoo doll in the shape of my boss count? Nah... I didn't think so. *lol*

Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

Stress launched my writing. I was so kerfluffled by life I had to write it down in some fashion or risk a room with padded walls. Stress is my friend. Weird, yes?

Cora Zane said...

Stress definitely interferes. To deal with it, I just have to disconnect, sit myself in front of the comp and go for it - good or bad.

Tyhitia Green said...

Sounds like a winner for me! Although I do have a friend from another country and his mother specializes in those dolls! Heh!

That makes sense as well. Stress made you find an outlet, and writing was it. Good for you!:*)

I've had to utilize that theory as well in some cases.

Naomi said...

I'm the same as you - daily ideas and plots, but lots of job-related stress to keep me from the computer. Plus RSI - that really hampers my writing.

For me, the best cure is a hot bath and good book.

Tyhitia Green said...

I love hot baths and books. I'm taking it easy this week. Reading only. Then I'll resume writing and querying next week.

Holly Kennedy said...

Stress sometimes locks me down and completely polarizes me so I CAN'T write. I've had to learn to shake it off and find another outlet to relax, though, so I can function around it. Good post!

Tyhitia Green said...

Thanks, Holly. I am learning to deal with it as well.